
Start here - Buyer's guide

Below we have collected the most important information you may need as a seller:


Find the items that are interesting to you and start a search from any sub-page of Galeria Savaria using the search field in the header.
If you do not have a specific idea or just would like to browse the ever-expanding item range, click on the all items button and browse the pages. If you are interested in items in a specific category, you can select from the options offered in the category list appearing on the left, by clicking on which you can narrow the list of matches using additional subcategories.
In addition to the fact that sellers with multiple items continuously increase the number of items in their item range, the community of Galeria Savaria is constantly expanding with new sellers, and more and more private individuals, traders and galleries choose to offer their items for sale at Galeria Savaria. Therefore, it is worth returning on a regular basis.

Filter search

Do you think that the number of listed items is too high? You can use the Filters by which you can narrow your search results on the basis of parameters belonging to the category or additional options.
Learn more about how a search based on item code or seller is done.


Additional item features, the so-called parameters belong to each category, making filtering even easier. Are you looking for only art deco style porcelain? Or are you looking for only signposted landscape paintings? You can easily filter the search results by using the parameters on the left next to the list of the items.


Save this search
Would you like to be informed if an item you are looking for is offered for sale at Galeria Savaria? Save your search criteria and get a notification not to miss the best listings.

Watched items
If you find an item that you like or would like to be informed about the major events related to the item, use the watch feature.

Organize your favorite items and share your passion and taste with others. The collections are the groups of items uploaded to Galeria Savaria which have been assorted by the users of Galeria Savaria based on a topic, feature, or passion. With rich and carefully sorted collections, users can help each other discover new items and even buy on the basis of a collection.

Favorite sellers
Save the most impressive sellers to find them later with only a single click. You also have the opportunity to ask for notifications about the items uploaded by them.

Ask the seller

If you have any questions concerning an item, feel free to ask the seller. You can send a message to the seller of the item through the safe messaging system of Galeria Savaria. Ask any questions about the item and make sure you have received an answer to all of your questions you needed to purchase the item. In order to protect your privacy and data, your contact details will not be disclosed until you purchase the item through the system.


One of the most important rules of our online marketplace is that the item uploaded to Galeria Savaria is to be purchased through the marketplace.
In order for the purchase to take place via the secure system of Galeria Savaria, you cannot provide or ask for contact information or any information suitable for contacting your partner before purchasing the item.
Under the policy of Galeria Savaria, communication must be carried out via the system of Galeria Savaria so that users can protect both their own data and security and comply with the rules of Galeria Savaria. After purchasing through the system of Galeria Savaria, the seller and the buyer will be able to specify the information necessary for the payment and transfer of the item through the secure messaging system.

Buy, place a bid or make an offer

The way you can purchase an item at Galeria Savaria depends on the listing type selected by the seller when listing the item.
In case of a fixed price item, you can easily purchase it by clicking on the Buy it now button on the item page or you can make an offer by selecting the Make an offer button, if the seller has marked the item to be open for offers.

In case of an auction type listing, make your bid and follow the progress of the auction. We recommend that during bidding, set the maximum amount you are willing to pay for the item. Thus with automatic bidding, we raise your bid up to the amount specified by you if another user places a bid for the item.

After the purchase, the system of Galeria Savaria allows you to discuss the details of the delivery of and payment for the item.


Whether you are buying, making an offer or placing bids, you will need to confirm your purchasing intent when clicking on the button.

Communication is important

If you have any questions in connection with the item, its delivery, or the payment method, it is advisable to contact the seller before making an offer, bid, or purchase. Through the safe messaging system of Galeria Savaria, you can ask your questions from the seller. To do this, click on the Ask seller a question option available on the item page.

About the importance of rules

To be able to purchase on Galeria Savaria, it is imperative that you do so in accordance with our guidelines and rules. You only have to comply with some rules that are self-evident and with Galeria Savaria, you can be part of a whole new and exciting world. One of the most important rules in our online marketplace is that the item uploaded to Galeria Savaria is to be purchased through the marketplace. Learn more about the information users cannot share with each other before purchasing the item on the site or what the purchase process is like, and what to do if you would like to purchase more items from a seller.

After the purchase

By clicking on Purchases, you can review the list of items you have purchased and manage the tasks related to the items. Learn more about what to do after purchasing.

Build a good reputation

Do not forget to write a review of the transaction. Feedback is one of the cornerstones of Galeria Savaria. If you arrange a transaction, that is, sell or buy through the system of Galeria Savaria, you will receive ratings that appear on your profile. Ratings allow users to share their opinions and experiences about others and their transactions with other members of the community.

Building trust

Transactions concluded in the online marketplace are based on trust. Ratings can help to build a good reputation at Galeria Savaria and your opinions and experiences described about others can help other members of the community to get a picture of the user's reliability.

Honest and open communication

We at Galeria Savaria believe in the freedom of expression and in honest and open communication. The basis of our community is trust, the fundamental element of which is honesty. Therefore, we ask you to submit reviews that are realistic, essential and useful to the community of Galeria Savaria. Reviews written about the user are public to everyone and appear on the user’s profile.
Be objective when formulating your views on the user or the transaction. A useful review based on facts helps other members of the Galeria Savaria community to form an opinion on the seller, the buyer, and to help decide if they want to do business with the user or not. In addition to this, constructive critique also acts as valuable feedback to the evaluated party, which can help during future transactions.

The weight of feedback

One of the most important goals you have to strive for as a user of Galeria Savaria is that your purchases and sales end positively. The number of failed, negative and neutral ratings do not only generate uncertainty in the buyers but also the system of Galeria Savaria may limit the status of users on the basis of these ratings. The restriction does not allow creating further accounts either.

Learn more about feedback.