
How do offers work?

Sellers can decide whether to offer their item at a fixed price or give buyers the opportunity to make offers. The seller can turn on the offer option at any time when listing the item or later by editing the item.
If the seller provides the bargaining option, under the Buy it now button, an additional “Make an offer” button appears. You can click on this to specify your offer.

There are two points to consider before making an offer:
- the amount of the offer may not exceed the original price of the item
- the offer may not be less than 50% of the item price. Sellers may change this percentage.

The offer is valid for 48 hours – within this time, the seller can accept or reject the offer or send a counteroffer to you. Consider the amount you offer carefully, as if the seller accepts it, you must purchase the item at this price.

You can manage your incoming offers on the My offers page.

If you wouldn’t like to miss the item, consider buying it immediately instead of making an offer, as until the seller accepts your offer, others can purchase the it.